Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Case of A Situation

Why does it happen that just when something starts to interest us and we start to indulge in it does it all look like it’s a farcical affair. At such times I remember a story that I’d read in my Hindi non detail book, while I was in school. The story goes thus -
In a company, the Labor union start strike against the administration as their pay hadn’t been increased in a long time and they had been facing the brunt of inflation. As it was a long time they had been trying to reason with the owner they were now very irate and had planned from next day, not to allow the gates of the company to open for any reason until their demands had been met. During this time the owner of the company convenes a meeting with his advocate, the labor Secretary and DM of the area. The meeting goes thus:
Owner - This strike has been going on for over four weeks, the production has been halted. Its only the produced goods that has been leaving the company till now. 
Advocate - Now there’s hardly anything left anyway. The last lot will be out by this week.
Owner - But the Union members have pledged that they will follow a complete lock down right till the chowkidaar from tomorrow.
Labor Sect - They cant stop you from using other people. You can surely employ someone out of the village.
DM - Do not under estimate their understanding. They will have made all the calculations by now and spoken to the others around. You can only get people from afar which may burn a hole in the pocket.
Labor Sect - But you cant do that as your company is getting benefits from govt for using the local populace. That would mean you are violating norms.
DM - If the Labor union does something wrong only then you can go ahead with your plans.
Advocate - But they have been very peaceful throughout and don’t seem to plan something of that sort.
Owner - So what can we do? If I try to impel them with my plan of not heeding to them that would be barbaric on my part.
DM - Well, then make them do things without their consent without speaking a word. Put some of your men in their mob, let them instigate the others and do the damage. Once that happens the Commissioner will send his men, a little lathi charge and the men will break away.
Labor Sect - If that can be staged we can tell the Union people that they have resorted to violence they are at fault and the company has the right to take a new way out. 
Owner - So that sorts out everything! Cheers to my company and the best COMPANY that I have tonight.

The conspiracy that they use is when you can not fight them, join them and break them from within. Evil thought one would say, but if put for the use of some good it could be a good tool. But it’s the bad guy who always gets to use it. The latest case would be surely the case of the Lok Pal bill. All the effort that dear Anna Hazare has put is being tarnished. Now as more politicians join the Committee they will pull out all sorts of gimmicks, one case in point is the Shanti CD imbroglio. This is just the tip of the iceberg, there will be more such deceptive acts just to deceive the people of the RIGHT bill or shall we say the right to the correct bill. This bill is being hailed as the Vajrastra made from the very backbone of the people who have lost against the corrupt. But with the impurities that may be added to it in due course of time the weapon may lose its luster and sharpness even before it is ready to use. What we now need to do is make sure the elements needed for the weapon are put into the mould without any adulteration. Only then we can succeed in using it as a fulcrum to usurp the disease called corruption and strike a cord with the process of development in the right direction. Atleast hope wish and pray if you cant do anything else on your own. 

1 comment:

Nike said...

Well thought of and very nicely put...